Terms of Reference
The Working Group with examine current arrangements and seek to make recommendations to ensure that lifetime health and welfare of the horse is of prime consideration for horses leaving the racing and breeding industry.
Specifically the panel will:
Collate and examine current data, and consult all relevant and interested parties and agencies, to gain an accurate assessment of the number of thoroughbred horses retired from the racing and breeding industry annually and the fate of these horses.
Collate, study, benchmark and assess the many and various programs currently in use by the thoroughbred racing and breeding industry to provide ‘re-homing’ opportunities. This will include examination of global best practice and programs used successfully by other animal industries and horse breeds.
Review the level of thoroughbred horse breeding needed to meet the needs of the racing industry but to prevent excessive breeding.
Review federal, state and territory regulatory arrangements relevant to the ongoing welfare of horses, and particularly both racing and non-racing thoroughbreds, including the challenges and benefits of introducing a national traceability system for all horses.
Identify opportunities for industry-led quality assurance schemes including the development of national standards for equine health, welfare, housing, handling, transportation and husbandry practices.
Identify opportunities for structural improvement to existing arrangements for data collection and reporting, inter-jurisdictional co-ordination and national communications processes to ensure accurate industry information with regard to thoroughbred horses across Australia.
Identify opportunities for appropriate further research and development to enhance the long-term welfare of thoroughbred horses across Australia.
Make recommendations to enhance the welfare of all thoroughbred horses and therefore enhance the reputation of the thoroughbred industry as an industry that genuinely cares about the welfare of all thoroughbred horses.
Give consideration to the regulatory framework and the effectiveness of current oversight and supervisory procedures and practices for facilities that process horses for human and animal consumption. This will include assessment of current levels of relevant education and training of management and workers in these facilities with respect to horse behaviour, management and welfare.